Evelyne Atieno Owino

Evelyne Atieno Owino

Junior Researcher, BICC (Bonn International Centre for Conflict Studies)


Evelyne Atieno Owino joined BICC in April 2022. She holds a Master’s degree in International Relations from the United States International University of Africa (USIU-Africa). Her thesis investigated the implications of Large-scale Infrastructure Projects to the pastoral communities within Northern Kenya—Isiolo County, focusing on the Lamu Port South Sudan Ethiopia Transport Corridor (LAPSSET). During this period, she was a research assistant with BICC in collaboration with USIU-Africa under the first phase of the DFG funded project “Future rural Africa”. She has also been involved with the World Bank Funded projects such as the Crime and Violence prevention research and various research projects on Crime mapping of the urban, peri-urban, and rural areas in Kenya with the National Crime Research Center.

Evelyne’s Doctorate program is concentrated on investigating the interface of social-ecological transformations in Rural Africa with a focus on the Developments within the Frontier spaces, and the organization of violence among the pastoral communities in Northern Kenya’s Samburu, Turkana, and Pokot. This takes place in the sub-project “Violent Futures? Contestations along the Frontier” of the overarching project “Future Rural Africa”.