Pastoralists, politics and development projects. Understanding the layers of armed conflict in Isiolo County, Kenya

Mkutu, K 2019 ‘Pastoralists, politics and development projects. Understanding the layers of armed conflict in Isiolo County, Kenya’, BICC Working Paper series, no. 7, 2019, viewed 28 September 2020.
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Schetter, C & Müller-Koné, M 2020, ‘Frontier – ein Gegenbegriff zur Grenze?’, in D Gerst, M Klessmann & H Krämer (eds), Handbuch Grenzforschung, Nomos, Frankfurt, pp. 235-248
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Mkutu, K & Mdee, A 2020, ‘Conservancies, conflict and dispossession: the winners and losers of oil exploration in Turkana, Kenya’, African Studies Review, pp. 1-27
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Mkutu, K 2020, ‘Security dynamics in conservancies in Kenya: The case of Isiolo County’, BICC Working Paper series, no. 3, 2020, viewed 28 September 2020
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Schetter, C & Müller-Koné, M 2021, ‚’Frontiers’ violence’. The interplay of state of exception, frontier habitus, and organized violence’, Political Geography, vol. 87, no. 102370
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Müller-Mahn, D, Mkutu, K, & Kioko, EM 2021, ‘Mega-projects – mega-failures? Politics of aspiration and the transformation of rural Kenya’, The European Journal of Development Research, vol. 33, pp. 1069-1090
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Mkutu, K, Müller-Koné, M & Owino, AE, 2021, ‘Future visions, present conflicts: the ethnicized politics of anticipation surrounding an infrastructure corridor in northern Kenya, Journal of Eastern African Studies, vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 707-727: Read More
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Kalvelage, L, Bollig, M, Grawert, E, Hulke, C, Meyer, M, Mkutu, K, Müller-Koné, M, Revilla Diez, J 2021, ‘Territorialising Conservation: Community-based Approaches in Kenya and Namibia’, Conservation and Society, vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 282-293
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Müller-Koné, M and K. Mkutu. 2022. “Your Resources, Our Relations: The Ogiek Struggle for Recognition at Kenya’s Resource Frontiers and Discourses about Being Indigenous” Journal of Peasant Studies (accepted)
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Greiner, C, Klagge, B, Grawert, E, Mkutu, K 2022, 'Future-making and scalar politics in a resource frontier: Energy projects in northern Kenya', PLAAS Working Papers, No. 63
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